This week, The Resonant Man began its launch into the orbit, joined by Matthew Green, Jacob Kishere, and a core group of resonant men.
There is a great terrain ahead of us. The scope of what we’re seeking to include is ambitious and necessary—from relationships to purpose and vision, and into the realms of the metaphysical.
The Resonant Man works on the foundational understanding of fields. We are not just a group of men together; we are gathering and generating a field, perhaps even tapping into one. From experience, we know that the quality and integrity of this field are of far greater importance than any given inquiry we may explore during the year. The field supports us; we draw wisdom, insight, and support from it. Matthew and I work from the basis that this field intelligence is an essential step in human evolution, which will be increasingly in demand in society at large.
Inspired by what we’ve experienced in other initiatives, we are charting a thematic journey through different areas that offer a lot of richness and are necessary for men to step into their resonant man. We, therefore, began this month focusing on ‘Aligning with our authentic future (self)’.
The sense of alignment with the authentic future self is core to the inspiration of The Resonant Man and is something Matthew and I found ourselves tapping into regularly during the inception of the initiative. There’s something about a deeply dialed-in field that facilitates connecting with our own higher self, our future potential—the part of ourselves that is most fully us but has yet to truly be borne out in our lives.
When I was inspired to pursue the practice of dialogos with various sages, philosophers and liminal communities five years ago, it was, in some sense, this ‘future’ horizon that inspired me. Connecting with the authentic future is like downloading a higher fidelity consciousness into the present. There’s a pulse of deep inspiration and a mystical quality when we tap into it. In The Resonant Man, we’ll be cultivating a space in which we can see ourselves and one another in this truer future.
It’s no coincidence that in the advanced collective healing work of Thomas Hübl, of which Matthew is a devoted student, downloading the authentic future features so centrally. There is a deep relationship between healing and aligning with our authentic future self. When we are able to acknowledge and heal the fragmentations within ourselves and our ancestral line, we open up a clearer channel for this self, this soul, to flow through us. We become more alive, more present to possibility; in other words, we are operating at a different frequency.
As in the work of spiritual teacher Patrick Conor and others, we recognize that much of our reality is governed vibrationally. The possibilities we can see, the connections we can hold, the fields we can stabilize are all affected by our healing vibration—our resonance.
Over the course of the coming months and years, we will be exploring, experiencing, and developing the capacity to tap into this powerful resonance in a way that transforms our lives.
-Jacob Kishere
Next week in the circle:
We will move into a deeper enquiry into the Authentic Future Self. We invite you to revisit your journalling responses from session 1 and find a moment to begin tuning into your authentic future self during the day.
Called to The Resonant Man?
We welcome inspired men to join our container throughout its development. We recognise not everyone feels the call at the same time, and others have commitments that prevent them from joining right away.
We’re excited to be building this potent field of friendship, resonance, and rooted masculinity for those who join us later.
The Resonant Man meets globally every Sunday at 7pm UK time.
Free Introduction with Matthew and Jacob:
Simply click reply to this email, or comment below. We’ll be in touch promptly.
If you’ve already had an introduction with either of us or participated in the Summer Open you can register directly below: