Man’s greatest conceit is the belief that his power comes from him alone. His wisdom begins in the recognition that it comes from beyond himself.
I’m not talking here about the wise women, wives and muses who were instrumental to the ‘great men’ of history — though they’re recognition is long overdue. I am talking about something more direct. A relationship with the Feminine that is not mediated by women. I am speaking of the artist and his (non-human) muse. Socrates and his Daimon. Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The truly wise men of history are wise by measure of being tapped in to something beyond themselves.
The Feminine, as distinct from femininity, is something a man connects with through his sensing body. We often love and glorify women for their connection to this mysterious force; it brings vitality, beauty, sensuality and deep relational wisdom. But believing we can only access the Feminine through women is a recipe for codependence. The Resonant Man is one who develops his own direct access to this source. Its power in his life grows directly in proportion to his reverence and attunement to it.
The Resonant Man is tapped in to intuition — a keystone of the Feminine which can neither be reduced to or accessed through conventional rationality, logic and disembodied masculine reasoning. Intuition is something we feel. It’s a human and perhaps more-than-human capacity which don’t fully understand.
We’ve explored quite a bit now the significance of listening on this resonant path, not as a routine everyday action, but as a multi-dimensional way of being. Listening in this context is the foundation for intuition. As listening is more deeply embodied, receptivity to intuition is increased. From growing intuition, arises the possibility for increasingly aligned action.
When we really lean into our intuitive capacity it becomes available at every level, guiding what foods we eat and when; when is the right moment to contact somebody; which group of people we join in a busy conference; which trail we turn down; and which corner we take exploring a foreign city.
Intuition flows through the creative DNA of the Resonant Man, guiding choicemaking at all levels of his lifeproject. The Resonant Man surfs the fine edge between intuitive guidance and practical logic, continually letting the two refine one another. The fruit of following our intuition shows up in the transformation of our life context, growing access to the Feminine, and an increasing sense of moving on path.
As we delve further into The Month of The Feminine, we’ll let the Resonant Man’s weekly field be an alchemical workshop for intuition. Matthew and I will continue to draw out how deeply intuition informs participation in the group field. Because, at the end of the day, we are working vibrationally. The difference between the harmonic emergence of wisdom and a sense of things being off is a matter of subtle attunement. It’s something slightly off within us and in our participation. Growing connection to the Feminine and intuition allows us to come back into that flowing coherence and to do so more readily.
Intuitive sensing artfully enacted is what makes our space different. It’s allow us to sense what is arising, even when it cannot be named. It guides our attention, and lets us act wisely and precisely to make rippling interventions in the field. The moves we make from intuition cannot be predicted, and may not always make sense in the moment. There is no formula and it cannot be faked by sociopaths. Intuitive guidance is internal, and you will feel the difference.
Nothing can prepare you for the experience of intuition leading you to the portal, when intuition turns into a skeleton key — opening a door that nobody else could see was there. That you yourself could only sense. A precise movement that brings the group into a new level of comprehension — transforming the field into a new space of possibility.
Learn more from The Resonant Man and hear about upcoming events for men and women: