Resonant Man#4
For the first month of the Resonant Man initiative,
and I have been leading an inquiry into vision.We’ve approached this topic not from the standpoint of imagining idealised outcomes, or five-year plans — but of exploring vision as a state of being.
Put another way, we’ve been feeling into what it’s like to be in vision — rather than trying to have a vision (though if clearer ideas about what we want to work towards arrive, we welcome them).
We’ve discovered how this state of vision can manifest in different men in different ways — and yet there seems always to be some quality of receptivity to inspiration that seems to come from a source outside of ourselves; a sense of interconnectedness with a field of shared awareness; and an openness to the unexpected.
That sense of the unexpected has been very present in our sessions, where the invitation — in the spirit of Jacob’s practice of Dialogos — is to speak from the emerging edge of our experience, and check any tendency in ourselves to start rehearsing what we’re going to say next while another man is speaking.
On Sunday, we explored a seemingly simple question:
What does a man who embodies a state of vision bring to himself, to his family, and to society?
It was notable how very quickly we came into contention with the kinds of blocks that many of us perceive as standing between us and a state of vision, and how that sense of being blocked, frustrated or overwhelmed can impact those we love.
A revelation for me was recognising how my own relationship to vision played directly into the dynamics at play within my immediate family.
I recognised more clearly how my triggered or frozen states, when vision seems out of reach, and my tendency to withdraw, impacted my wife, and our daughter.
I realised how I had been thinking of my relationship to vision as in some sense being “siloed” from my family — a separate, personal enterprise — that was mine alone to carry.
The session on Sunday showed me the opposite was true: that my being in vision fed positive energy into the whole family system; while the times I felt disconnected wobbled our coherence as a group field.
I know I’m not alone in my tendency to withdraw when I’m triggered, or feeling shame or overwhelm. Building awareness of that tendency in men who also share that dynamic, and cultivating the capacity to witness ourselves, and choose to stay in contact with our loved ones — even in the heat of our triggers — feels like a core capacity we can build as the Resonant Man sessions unfold.
— Matthew Green
Next up: The Month of Resonant Dialogue
We will embark on deep exploration of Resonant Dialogue, drawing on the practice of Dialogos we will explore key dimensions of transformative dialogue from deep listening, to flow, to field dynamics & emergence.
Called to The Resonant Man?
We welcome inspired men to join our container throughout its development. We recognise not everyone feels the call at the same time, and others have commitments that prevent them from joining right away.
We’re excited to be building this potent field of friendship, resonance, and rooted masculinity for those who join us later.
The Resonant Man meets globally every Sunday at 7pm UK time (8pm CET / 2pm EDT / 11am PST).
Free Introduction with Matthew and Jacob:
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If you’ve already had an introduction with either of us, or joined one or more of our Resonant Man Summer Dialogues, you can register directly below: